The Serbian secret weapon “inat” (defiance/spite) awakened in us – we will organise the best Specialised EXPO exhibition ever
July 16, 2024

- The Serbian secret weapon “inat” (defiance/spite) awoke in us when we decided to organise the best Specialised EXPO exhibition ever – both in terms of visitor numbers and lasting memories. Although the start of the event is three years away, a lot has already been done in terms of the construction and preparation for EXPO 2027 Belgrade. The specialised exhibition, which will be held in our capital from 15 May to 15 August 2027, will have the theme ‘Play for humanity’ and will bring the whole world together in one place, says Dušan Borovčanin, director of the EXPO 2027 Belgrade company, in an interview for Kurir.

Citizens still do not fully understand what EXPO 2027 actually is and what exactly will be happening inside the pavilions during these three months of the specialised exhibition.

- That’s natural because the EXPO exhibition has never been held in the Western Balkans, and only a small number of citizens have had the opportunity to visit one overseas. But EXPO exhibitions have been organised since 1851, with Serbia participating since 1885, and they bring the world together in one place for several months to find solutions to the challenges of our time. It’s a space for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and scientific achievements, but also a unique perspective on life and the world. That’s why we proposed the theme ‘Play for humanity’ to remind people that play is not only crucial for human development but also a means of gaining knowledge and making discoveries. Many know the story of how Tesla played with a boat on the Niagara River and came up with the idea of a remotely controlled boat using radio waves, or how Benjamin Franklin saw lightning strike his kite while he played with it in the wind and invented the lightning rod. But play is also important because it brings people together and encourages a positive spirit. This is our goal for the exhibition. For the visitor, upon arriving at EXPO, to embark on a kind of journey around the world, specifically through around 120 countries, where they will have the opportunity to experience other cultures, try their specialties, listen to traditional music, or dance to well-known tangos or waltzes, play a game from another country, or attend a good lecture. We want to create lasting feelings and memories, but also to inspire unity and benevolence among people.

Aside from pleasant memories, what specific benefits can citizens expect after the conclusion of EXPO 2027?

- EXPO represents the largest event our country has ever organised and the greatest development opportunity for us. Besides the return on investment during the 92 days of the exhibition, we’re talking about the greatest possible impact on the country’s reputation, the highest number of visits by top officials from various countries, and diplomatic contacts that would take several decades to establish under normal circumstances without the EXPO. The economic and cultural development stemming from organising the EXPO exhibition is a catalyst for permanent urban transformation, encompassing architecture, transportation, tourism, as well as intangible areas like culture and education.

The EXPO 2027 project costs around 18 billion euros. It is estimated that Serbia will earn around 1.1 billion euros during the exhibition, not including activities before and after the event. Could you explain to Serbian citizens the economic calculation of the exhibition and whether it really has such economic significance for a country?

- We are talking about several hundred projects our country is implementing across Serbia to provide better infrastructure and tourism offerings for the millions of visitors in 2027. The exhibition itself costs around 1.2 billion euros. This is a demanding project simply because we need to show that we can carry out such an event and be the first in history to host the whole world. It is great for our reputation and an opportunity for others to see us as a country of development, investment, cooperation, and to want to come back to Serbia for a holiday or to work. The infrastructure at the exhibition site, as well as all the projects you mentioned outside the exhibition space, will remain for our citizens to use, from roads and sports halls to fairs and museums. But all this also qualifies us for various other competitions and global events, for which we couldn’t even apply before because we didn’t have the means. From the moment we were chosen to host EXPO and onwards, Serbia has become far more attractive for serious companies to invest in and cooperate with us. Our diplomacy is improving, which creates new opportunities, but most importantly, EXPO brings a significant inflow of money, a better standard of living, more job opportunities, and higher salaries for our citizens.

Can we expect a concert by a mega-world star in Belgrade? Perhaps at the new national stadium? Is it conceivable that Rihanna might sing in Belgrade at EXPO 2027?

- It is absolutely conceivable that we will see renowned global performers, music groups, athletes, and even motivational speakers we enjoy listening to on digital platforms in Belgrade. I believe that every one of our fellow citizens will visit EXPO several times to see what’s happening and will be impressed each time.

Where are we now on the path to EXPO 2027? What has been done, and what remains to be done?

- Last month, we marked a year since over 90 countries voted for Serbia and Belgrade to host the 2027 Specialised Exhibition. Although 2027 seems far away, preparations for construction and the design of the exhibition programmes are already well underway. I believe a large number of our citizens are pleased with the outline of the new city emerging in Surčin. Recently, we were visited by Mr Kerkentzes, the Secretary-General of the International Bureau of Expositions, who monitors what each host country is doing in preparation for the EXPO event, ensuring the highest quality and success. He conveyed the great interest of member countries, which is a strong sign that international participation in EXPO 2027 Belgrade will be unforgettable. And we plan nothing less than that!

EXPO ends in August 2027, but how long do you estimate its impacts will last?

- EXPO is such a large and significant event that Serbia is already perceived differently in the world. Countries can’t wait to start negotiations with us and come to build pavilions because they want to know us better, see why there’s so much talk about Serbia, and so it’s natural that we say we’ll have at least 120 countries in Serbia for three months. I believe we will set standards for events of this type and size in this part of Europe, and that for a long time after the exhibition, the entire region and beyond will talk about the success of our organisation and the hospitality of our people. Ultimately, we look forward to all Serbs being proud of what we are creating, and satisfied with it.

Why did you choose the theme ‘Play for humanity – sport and music for all’? And what is your favourite part of this theme?

- When we applied to host the Specialised Exhibition, one of the challenges was to choose a theme interesting enough to attract the voting countries’ attention and that most countries in the world could respond to. You’ll agree that not every country could respond to the theme of artificial intelligence or ocean conservation. On the other hand, play is important throughout life, and alongside it, creativity and playfulness lead to discoveries in science, technology, and even sport and music.

Why is this so important? Because creativity enables us to cope with uncertainty, question perceptions, and achieve a positive impact on the world. Music and sport have an incredible power to inspire and bring people and nations together. Play is the central element of both. Moreover, music and sport, as well as traditional games and dances, represent a significant element of each country’s identity, history, and tradition. And Serbia has a lot to show, which I personally consider the most important thing.

Was this crucial for Serbia to get the opportunity to host the Specialised exhibition EXPO?

- The theme is one of the main reasons Serbia won in tough competition with world metropolises. We believe everyone liked the playfulness of the theme and the opportunity to show their creativity.

The interview was published in
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